At Bonafide, 11/11
A midtown jazz venue was closed down and reborn as a real deal jazz club by a bassist, Richard Bona. I am going to play there on November 11th. We will celebrate a new CD, Predawn Shenanigans Club, featuring the pianist of the recording, Abelita Mateus and drummer Vanderlei Paraira. Unfortunately, I couldn't get the bassist of the recording but I got Oleg Osenkov, who has been playing with us.
When they soft-opened the club, Bonafide, the master Brazilian guitarist, Romero Lubambo, performed at the opening celebration. Mr. Lubambo joined my first recording and I guess my kind of music is close to the musical direction of the venue.
Please come over with your friends and family! The venue and I set the cover as $15! We will hit it at 10PM. The music we will play is on video page of this site!
It's going to be a bit wilder!
November 11, 2015 Address: 212 E 52nd St, New York, NY 10022
Phone:(646) 918-6189